1999 - September 13th - 17th - St. Louis, Missouri

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1999 - September 13th - 17th - St. Louis, Missouri

Second Annual
SEPTEMBER 13 - 17, 1999
St. Louis, MO

The Second annual Cement Chemists' Society meeting was a success! The meeting took place at the Mayfair Hotel in St. Louis, Missouri on September 13th - 17th. It was a complete plant chemists experience. Thirty people were in attendance along with ten speakers. During the week long meetings, very beneficial information was shared. The sessions ended Friday afternoon. Friends and colleagues made great industry contacts.

Listed below are the presentations and the over all class views and comments.

1. X-Ray knowledge
2. X-Ray fluxing Techniques
3. River Cement Plant Tour
4. Automated Sample transportation
5. Microscopy (Prep, interpretation, and equipment)
6. Auto. Cement Fineness Analyzer
7. Grinding aids
8. Laboratory cement problem solving
9. Introduction to concrete for the Cement Chemist
10. CO2 Global concerns

Attendants evaluation to what was the best part of whole conference?

1. "Conference was Great!"
2. "Hands on and great info"
3. "Microscopy"
4. "These conferences are terrific for all in the cement lab"
5. "Microscopy (Theory and Practice) Presentation"
6. "Most speakers were excellent"
7. "X-ray & Microscope"
8. "Concrete Lecture and Microscopy"
9. "Unique experience"
10. "Whole conference was very educational."


The Cement Chemists' Society has been serving the Cement Chemists' community since 1997. We specialize in organizing educational seminars in which the Cement Chemist can interact with Expert Consultants, Vendors, and other Cement Chemists.

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