2002 - October 7th - 11th - Phoenix, Arizona

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2002 - October 7th - 11th - Phoenix, Arizona

Fifth Annual
October 7th to October 11th, 2002
Phoenix, AZ

The fifth annual Cement Chemists' Society meeting was a success! The meeting took place at the Holiday Inn Hotel. It was a complete experience for the Cement Chemist. Thirty-one people were in attendance along with fourteen speakers. During the meeting very beneficial information was shared. Friends and colleagues made great industry contacts.

Listed below are some of the presentations and the over all class views and comments.


1. Cement Chemistry2. Improve Cement Grinding Through Chemistry 3. Microscopy 4. On Line Belt Analyzers XRF5. On Line Belt Analyzers XRD6. X-Ray Florescence 7. X-Ray Defraction8. Automated Cement Fineness9. NIST SRMs For XRD 10. Phoenix Cement Plant Tour11. Finish Mill Grinding Aids12. Cement Additives13. Masonry

Attendant’s evaluation to what was the best part of the whole conference?:

1. Enjoyed all the lectures!2. The chance to learn from the various presentations.3. I enjoyed the conference keep it up.4. It was a very enjoyable experience.5. Microscopy, masonry, chloride analysis, XRD quantitative and making contact’s w/ other cement people.6. The classes and the people were great7. Presentations were all excellent! The last presentation was the best.8. The CCRL presentation gave great pointers on improving my lab.9. All!10. Cement and microscopy presentation

The Cement Chemists' Society has been serving the Cement Chemists' community since 1997. We specialize in organizing educational seminars in which the Cement Chemist can interact with Expert Consultants, Vendors, and other Cement Chemists.

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